Flancia Betula
links.flancia.orgThe Betula instance for Flancia, where I now save my bookmarks using a convenient bookmarklet.
login.mailgun.com/loginWe use Mailgun in social.coop
Flancian instructions
gitlab.com/flancian/flancian/-/blob/main/README.mdInstructions on how to run a Flancian.
Fellowship of the link
doc.anagora.org/fellowship-of-the-link?editThe notes for the Fellowship of the Link meetings.
Pfeilstorch - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PfeilstorchOne of my favourite weird Wikipedia articles -- it feels like it should be fiction but it's not.
[[lion kimbro]] at anagora.org
anagora.org/lion-kimbroA person. Bill Seitz and Bouncepaw seem to know them/like them.