fediforum.org/aboutWe are a loose group of internet OGs who want social media to be better.
git.jon-e.net/jonny/wiki-postbot/src/branch/main/wiki_postbot/interfaces/mediawiki.pyBot to add tweets and other microblog posts using an extended wikilink syntax to the wiki!
Time to consolidate wikis?
www.loomio.com/d/2Rwh5z3H/time-to-consolidate-wikis-/133meet.coop meeting notes
cloud.meet.coop/s/kMZEA5WdLH57YpkEvolution team private conversation
forum.meet.coop/t/evolution-team-private-conversation/1282/111Node [[pipepunk]]
anagora.org/pipepunkI'm interested in this aesthetic; makes me think of steampunk but without the Victorian baggage.